Thursday, June 4, 2015

You have a SUPER Power- Use it for Good!

"Words have the power to both destroy and heal. 
When words are both true and kind, they can change our world." 

Have you smiled at a stranger today? Said something nice to someone? 

Thoughts and words have power. They can cause you to laugh, to cry, to high five someone, to take action, to give up, to keep on keeping on. They have real power. We ALL have this super power, and I want us ALL to use it for GOOD. 

It’s the first day of summer break in our household. To kick it off we started our very own Rice Experiment originated by Dr. Masaru Emoto. The experiment is easy- simply put plain white rice into two separate mason jars. Dr. Emoto labeled and spoke, “Thank You” to one jar, and “You Fool” to the other, for a period of 30 days. We’ll be putting our own Braveman spin on things by having several positive statements on our “Thank You” jar and several negative statements on our “You Fool” jar. Also, we are going to run this experiment the whole summer break. I’ll photograph the changes and share them with you.

My hope is that we all learn a little about how what we think and speak really affects our lives and the lives of others.

How will you use your SUPER POWER? Will you make someone smile?

Keep your thoughts positive,
because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive,
because your words become your behaviors.
Keep your behaviors positive,
because your behaviors become your habits.
Keep your habits positive,
because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive,
because your values become your destiny.   
~ Gandhi ~

Spirit * Life * Laughter,

Thursday, March 19, 2015

OWEN High School Senior Portraits

Had a blast with this High School Senior. What a fantastic smile. And serious face. And smirk. Have a look at Owen-The next big thing...

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Bras, Babes, Beer and B-Star winners! Party for a Cause! Mardi Bra

B-Star/ Tuesday, March 17, 2015—St. Patrick’s Day!

Friday the 13th is traditionally an unlucky day. But for me, it’s always been one of my favorite days. In fact, it’s my favorite number and I had my 13th birthday on Friday the 13th (hello, GOLDEN)!! Well, last Friday the 13th, I attended a wonderful charity event. I have such gratitude for the woman who made this possible.

I find it important to accentuate the positive in life and be grateful. And that’s why I’ve created the Julie Braveman Photography B-Star. The JBP B-Star is an award we’ll give to individuals that we notice – Making the world a Better place by Boosting people up! This is a new thing here at JBP and I’m honored to announce the first recipients:

Kim Abbett, Nicky Jackson, and Kim Merritt
These women hosted a “Party for a Cause! Mardi Bra” on Friday, March 13, 2015. Each party-goer was asked to donate a bra and a package of sanitary items that will help local woman in need through two non-profits, Housing Opportunities and The Caring Place.
What a great idea! Way to go Nicky, Kim, and Kim! WAY TO BE A STAR! It’s so awesome to me that this event will make so many LOCAL women in need feel especially lucky.  Have a great St. Patrick’s Day!  

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Ultimate Family Valentine

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of running into a family I’ve photographed for years. My family and I were waiting for a table to enjoy a yummy breakfast out, when I saw these beautiful people. I instantly jumped up and rushed over to say hello, hug everyone, and find out what’s new in their lives. 

While enjoying my own family at breakfast, I got to thinking. I am always so excited to see the families I work with, whether we are co-creating beautiful art for their home or a simple run in at a restaurant. It’s like they are extended family. How could they not be? I’ve been capturing their personalities, smiles, and love for years! I have watched these children grow into who they are today and get excited to see who they will be tomorrow. 

At this family’s session last fall, “Dad” surprised me with a creative idea. “Put that camera on timer and get in a picture with us!” So, I did. 

All of the families I photograph become near and dear to my heart. Family photography is so important and I take it very seriously. I’m one of the lucky ones—I do what I love and provide a service to people with photographic art. This art grows in value as time passes by, for that moment will not repeat.

I have shared many laughs with this family over the years. I hope to share many more.

Folks, if you haven’t done it in a while, call a professional photographer and get some family art made. Maybe that should be your Valentine gift to your loved ones.

Just one warning— If you choose to work with me, you’ll get a place in my heart and become like extended family.

Spirit * Life * Laughter, 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Compliments make people smile

Today I am going to purposefully compliment as many people as possible. If I make one person feel good, I’m a success.